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Details of Airbus Safety Magazine

Previous of the AFCaT process it would be handling the overall usability and development services.

If you look up and to the left you will CLEARLY see ATPs logo. ATP makes no attempt to hide this fact. Why would/should they? They created the forum and recruited the mentors

ATPs a business, sure they want to make money and sure they hope that some people will get a positive impression of the program and perhaps sign up, but I can tell you for a fact that was never the motivation to create this forum. It was created with 2 primary goals. 1) To give prospective pilots the opportunity to ask current actual airline pilots questions about the industry (hence the name Airline Pilot Life) and 2) to give prospective students an idea of the process, the challenges and what’s actually involved in training to become an airline pilot (and yes that means ATPs program as a primary example). Seems fair enough to me? We never bad mouth other flight schools or discourage anyone from offering alternatives. Quite the contrary. We currently have a few long running threads regarding American Airlines Cadet program as well as others. I’ve always said while I feel Embry Riddle is somewhat expensive, you cannot question the level of training they and other reputable universities (Kent State, UND, Auburn for example) provide.

Shouldn't the alert height be 100ft AGL (and not somewhere between 450ft and 900ft AGL) and Why does the failure of one single radar altimeter result in CAT 2 and not just in CAT 3 SINGLE?

The decision altitude/height. Note that at 800 feet the LDG INHIBIT message appears which means all non essential failures are suppressed so crew can concentrate on landing. Presumably because if you loose the other RA the aircraft will then downgrade to direct law so you want that extra safety margin to be able to see the runway in time incase it does happen. You’re also relying on single source for quite a lot of information going to a lot of systems. Only failures not inhibited in flight phases 7+8 will appear so I'm presuming an engine failure/fire is one of them. For testing reasons I would like to know which failure (that can be simulated) could be used to test the Alert Height logic. So I am searching for a failure that is indicated below the LDG INHIBIT message threshold, but not below the AH.



Competency based training with offshore

Competency Assessment grading for establishing client 

Total overall experience

Total overall experience 


Testing Process 

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